Baoding held an on-site observation meeting on the deposit system recovery system of agricultural and veterinary drug packaging

Source: 161 2021.04.10

The management measures for the recycling and treatment of pesticide packaging waste, which was officially implemented in October last year, has pushed the recycling of pesticide packaging waste in rural areas to a standardized and refined process. Many provinces and cities across the country have launched pilot work on the recycling of pesticide packaging waste, and many places have begun to explore the construction of a deposit recycling system for pesticide packaging; Many cities such as Baoqing, Heilongjiang, Luxian, Sichuan and Anyang, Henan have successively explored the deposit recovery mode and achieved good results, which has greatly reduced the littering of pesticide packaging and the impact of pesticide waste packaging on agriculture and rural ecological environment. Baoding City, Hebei Province, which started the pilot recovery of pesticide and veterinary drug packaging deposit in 2020, has also achieved phased results, with a recovery rate of more than 80%, and significant progress has been made in the treatment of agricultural non-point source pollution.




Recently, Baoding agricultural and rural Bureau organized an on-site observation meeting on the deposit system recovery system of pesticide and veterinary drug packaging waste. Relevant responsible leaders at all levels such as the Provincial Department of agriculture and rural areas, Baoding agricultural and rural Bureau, pilot cities and counties in Hebei Province and subordinate cities and counties in Baoding attended the meeting. In the form of "on-site observation + Classroom Teaching", the meeting visited the pesticide and veterinary drug packaging waste recycling store and the agricultural waste recycling station in Anguo City, listened to the promotion of the construction of the deposit system recycling system and the use of the supervision platform, and deeply understood the whole operation process of pesticide sales, recycling, clearance and disposal.

The observation meeting was also a phased achievement sharing of Baoding City as the first pilot of the deposit system for the recovery and disposal of pesticide and veterinary drug packaging waste in Hebei Province. At the meeting, Anguo City, Gaobeidian City, Zhuozhou City and Laishui county were the first pilot cities and counties for the recovery of pesticide and veterinary drug packaging waste in Baoding city, Typical reports and speeches were made on the pilot experience, and the phased progress in the construction of pesticide and veterinary drug waste packaging recycling system was introduced in detail. The four pilot cities and counties accelerated the establishment and operation of agricultural materials sales point system data initialization, deposit production, sale and return terminal, storage warehouse and information recovery system. Among them, Anguo City has recovered 4.3 tons of pesticide packaging waste, with a recovery rate of 85.42%, treated 1.3 tons of pesticide packaging waste and a harmless treatment rate of 100%.



It is understood that Anguo, known as the "drug capital", can achieve good results in a short time, thanks to its characteristic recycling system of "no omission at the front end and strong supervision at the back end". Anguo invited Beijing Yingchuang renewable resources Recycling Co., Ltd., a third-party professional operator, to build a deposit recovery system for pesticide and veterinary drug packaging waste. Since November last year, Anguo has promoted the installation of pesticide packaging waste recovery information system in agricultural materials stores throughout the city; All the sold waste pesticide bottles, old and new, shall be recycled. The old packaging shall be 1 yuan / kg, and the new packaging bottles, bags and barrels shall be 1 yuan / piece; For the pesticides that have not been sold, the only QR code will be printed on the package. Before selling pesticides, the agricultural materials stores will enter the QR code into the recycling system to register the pesticides purchased by farmers to ensure that "there is no omission in front-end recycling".

The implementation of each measure must be strictly supervised. With the technical support of a third-party professional operation organization, the "recovery model" of Anguo city also has a recovery system monitoring platform and a comprehensive supervision platform for deposit recovery. The monitoring platform of recycling system can plan specific transportation routes for cleaning vehicles according to the collection and storage information, so as to realize real-time monitoring of directional logistics; In fact, the comprehensive supervision platform for deposit recovery is now monitoring the data of pesticide terminal sales in 198 administrative villages in 11 townships and 115 registered pesticide sales outlets. Strict supervision has encouraged farmers to take the initiative to recycle pesticide packaging and reduce the discarding of pesticide packaging from the source. The recovery rate of newly produced pesticide packaging waste has reached more than 85%, so as to achieve "strong supervision at the back end".



Six months after the implementation of the measures for the management of recycling and treatment of pesticide packaging waste, many cities across the country have discussed efficient recycling systems, and the effective "Anguo model" has also provided reference and ideas for other counties and cities. The on-site observation meeting on the deposit system recovery system of pesticide and veterinary drug packaging waste organized by Baoding is also a pilot construction experience sharing meeting, which lays a foundation for Baoding to comprehensively promote the recovery of pesticide and veterinary drug packaging waste and accelerate the full implementation of the recovery system of pesticide packaging waste in the whole city and even the whole province. In the future, Baoding pilot will also be promoted as a pilot in Hebei Province, and more models that can be used for reference will be engraved in more cities and counties to accelerate the recovery of agricultural packaging materials and agricultural non-point source pollution, promote green and sustainable agricultural development, and help achieve the goals of carbon neutralization and carbon peak.


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