Hubei pesticide supervision and management training meeting was held in Xiantao. The deposit recovery mode of pesticide packaging waste was tried first

Source: 248 2021.05.13



Recently, the pesticide supervision and management training meeting of Hubei Province was held in Xiantao, and the persons in charge of pesticide management of all cities, prefectures and counties in the province participated in the training. The meeting took the form of "on-site visit + training and learning". First, we visited the standardized pesticide sales store in Xiantao City to learn about the construction of the deposit recovery system of pesticide packaging waste tried out locally. Then, the delegation went to caitan village, a beautiful and harmonious "model village", to observe the demonstration case of pesticide packaging waste treatment helping the construction of beautiful countryside.

At the training meeting, the participating experts made in-depth interpretation of relevant laws and regulations such as the approval process and specification of pesticide business license, the management measures for recycling and treatment of pesticide packaging waste, the third-party professional operation organization explained the deposit recovery mode of pesticide packaging waste in detail, and the representatives of local pesticide management principals shared their work promotion and exchanged experience on site.



Following the formal implementation of the management measures for the recycling and treatment of pesticide packaging waste last year, the standardization and refinement of the recycling of pesticide packaging waste in rural areas have been continuously accelerated, and the recycling and management of pesticide packaging waste has been implemented all over the country. Among them, the "deposit recycling model" has received extensive attention due to low financial investment and remarkable recycling results, and has been piloted in many places, including Sichuan Province The recovery rate of many pilot sites in Henan and Hebei Province has generally reached more than 85%, which has played a positive role in promoting the treatment of agricultural non-point source pollution.

At the beginning of this year, the Department of agriculture and rural areas of Hubei Province issued the pilot work plan for the recovery and treatment of pesticide packaging waste, which clearly carried out the pilot of the recovery and treatment of pesticide packaging waste in 10 counties and cities, including Xiantao City, Qianjiang City and Chibi City, so as to uniformly recover the pesticide packaging waste and conduct centralized harmless treatment. Xiantao City cooperates with third-party professional operation organizations to actively introduce the deposit recovery system of pesticide packaging waste, encourage farmers to actively cooperate in recovery by means of deposit, promote the installation of information system in pesticide sales stores throughout the city, write off sales and recovery in real time, and carry the monitoring platform of recovery system and the comprehensive supervision platform of deposit recovery, The government carries out networked supervision on the city's sales outlets to realize the traceability of the whole process from sales to recycling and then to transfer and disposal, so as to ensure the effective implementation of pesticide packaging safety management.




The construction of beautiful villages and the treatment of agricultural non-point source pollution are the top priorities of Rural Revitalization. Hubei province continues to promote the green agricultural production mode, and actively explores the establishment of a diversified capital investment guarantee mechanism supported by the government and participated by market subjects. Xiantao City pays close attention to the treatment of river and lake environment, creates a livable ecological environment, and promotes the development of beautiful villages and carbon neutralization Carbon peak goal achieved. At this meeting, relevant leaders fully affirmed the deposit recovery model of Xiantao City, At the same time, it is pointed out that "all localities must clarify the guidance of pesticide supervision and improve the cohesion of work; strengthen the coordination between the top and bottom to improve the centripetal force of the system; strengthen the construction of conditional capacity to improve the execution of work. Explore and form effective measures and carry out regional recycling pilot work according to local conditions."


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