The earth where we live in is being devoured by waste plastic.

  • Plastic bottles

    Non-traceable recycling process and whereabouts

  • Pesticide packages

    Littering of these packages is likely to cause secondary pollution.

  • Glass bottles

    Low recycling value and low recycling rate

  • “Safe Bottle in China” Public Welfare Project for Environmental Protection
    “Safe Bottle in China” Public Welfare Project for Environmental Protection

    With participation of individuals, enterprises and social organizations, this project is to promote social participation in safe recycling to deliver bottles to safe recycling channels and boost environmental improvement.

  • Industry research
    Industry research
    • Research on relevant national and industrial laws and policies
    • Research & promotion on the deposit system and the EPR system
    • Research on new business modes
    • Group brand construction
  • Green Button Environmental Protection Class
    Green Button Environmental Protection Class

    Since 2013, environmental protection education has been promoted in China. Up to now, the environmental protection class has been launched in institutions subordinated directly to the Central Government and nearly 200 primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, organizations and communities in Beijing, and the like, to popularize the environmental protection philosophy of correct garbage classification and safe collection for over 100,000 people, and assist in establishing the teacher volunteer team for waste classification in Beijing.


  • Zero waste meeting
    Zero waste meeting

    Since 2019, Incom has been promoting the innovation and practice of "Zero waste conference" in China. As one of the most authoritative and forward-looking annual gatherings of China's economy, and the most important domestic policy interpretation platform, the 10th Caixin Summit specially invited BOTTLOOP regeneration as a zero-waste partner, presenting a high-level whole-process "No waste" summit in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. From the preparatory stage of the summit, BOTTLOOP has been involved in the resource management of the conference hall. The paper products, chest CARDS, beverage bottles and other wastes on the scene are effectively recycled by clear sorting devices set up by BOTTLOOP , and sent to designated factories by professionals for recycling into environmental goods. In January, 2020, Incom joined hands with BOTTLOOP to help Sino-ocean create "Zero waste" operation and management annual meeting, the concept of "Zero waste" throughout the meeting, officially opened the first year of Sino-ocean 2020 zero waste office.

  • Pesticide packaging waste deposit recovery
    Pesticide packaging waste deposit recovery

    Surplus and the positive response about agricultural waste resources using the more ministries and commissions of the state policy called for the pilot work, Incom cooperated with more enterprises vigorously, to explore a set of suitable for China's national conditions and strong reproducibility of pesticide packaging deposit recovery one-stop service operation program, this program is widely used in China under the conditions of the centralized use of pesticides, pesticide packaging from sales to recycle to transfer the whole process can be monitored and traceable. In 2018, the service operation plan was launched in Baoqing county, Heilongjiang province, with a pilot recovery rate of nearly 100%. It was officially launched in Luxian county, Sichuan province and Qingshen county in 2019, and continued to be promoted throughout the country to help the new process of safe recovery and disposal of pesticide packaging waste.

  • Hong Kong beverage bottle deposit recycling pilot
    Hong Kong beverage bottle deposit recycling pilot

    In 2019, Hong Kong joined the global plastic reduction initiative to tackle the growing problem of plastic beverage bottle pollution by promoting producer responsibility and installing smart recycling machines for beverage bottles. The Hong Kong government has conducted a global public tender exercise to conduct a pilot project of intelligent recycling of plastic beverage bottles in collaboration with manufacturers and operators of intelligent recycling machines. Incom stood out among a number of global enterprises and became one of the three companies that won the bid. The H30 intelligent recycling machine jointly developed and produced by Incom and TOMRA was used as the pilot task and was laid in the garbage classification centralized recycling site designated by the Hong Kong government. Incom intelligent recycling machine accounted for 60% of the trial site. The pilot results show that Incom intelligent recycling machine has been recognized by citizens and government officials in terms of recycling efficiency and use experience.

  • Garbage classification, no waste city construction
    Garbage classification, no waste city construction

    In 2019, the policy of "garbage classification" will be forced to be implemented in many places across the country. Incom gave full play to its innovative and practical advantages in the field of resource recycling, and took part in pilot projects of garbage classification in Tianjin and Ningbo of Zhejiang province with the integrated solution of "Internet + intelligence" to help improve the efficiency of garbage classification. In the same year, the pilot project to build a "waste-free city" was launched. Representatives from all walks of life gathered in Sanya to discuss the construction path of China's "waste-free city". As a practitioner in the renewable resource utilization industry, Incom has turned waste plastic into a trend item, jointly created an environmental protection gift for the conference with the 2019 "waste-free city" construction pilot promotion meeting, and helped Sanya to pass on the green name card of "waste-free city" ecological civilization image.

  • Solid waste recycling project of ministry of science and technology
    Solid waste recycling project of ministry of science and technology

    In December 2018, Incom successfully applied for the key project of "solid waste recycling" of the ministry of science and technology "Internet + typical urban renewable resource recovery technology based on big data" jointly with Beijing university of technology and other university enterprises, and participated in the implementation of project topics 1 and 3.

  • Green innovation fund
    Green innovation fund

    In 2017, Incom,Tomra group and China environmental protection foundation jointly established a special fund for green innovation, which is dedicated to promoting environmental education, practicing environmental public welfare projects, and supporting relevant policies and technology research and promotion. In the same year, it launched the "bottle an · China" large-scale environmental protection and public welfare action, gathering all social forces to pay attention to environmental protection, actively participate in public welfare actions, and practice safe recycling. The 2-month "micro-wish to help bottle" activity, with more than 60 star fans station safe recycling beverage bottles 300 thousand +, online topic caused 6 million + dissemination. At 9 a.m. on May 9, 2019, sponsored by the green innovation fund "CLEAN PLANET CLEAN PLANET" global linkage (China) activities held in the heart of the ends of the earth in Sanya , this is the first time China was invited to join in 22 countries on five continents global linkage. Using tianya stone as a landmark, environmental volunteers of the green innovation fund and enthusiastic tourists used the collected plastic bottles to create the theme "CLEAN PLANET" on the beach, to call for attention and reduce plastic waste.

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